useful links

Community Empowerment Bill Text

Click the above link to view the complete language of the bill.

Long Term Contract Requirements Utilities for in Massachusetts

Community Empowerment looks to further amend long-term contracts for renewable energy to provide long-term financing for renewable energy projects. The bill texts to previous legislation can be found in the link above. 

Green Communities in Massachusetts

The MA government is committed to helping all cities and towns to find clean energy solutions and strengthen local economies. Community Empowerment would fit into this overarching goal by providing long-term financing for renewable energy projects. 

Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA): Goals and Progress)

In 2008, legislation was passed to actively address climate change in the state of Massachusetts. The above link directs you to more information about the GWSA as well as an interactive progress report. 


Analysis: Impacts of the Green Communities Act

The impacts of the Green Communities Act were independently reviewed an analyzed by the Analysis Group. Their findings exemplify the successes of the Green Communities Act in its first six years of implementation, with more that 16,000 jobs created and $1.2 billion net economic benefits to the state.

The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency

DSIRE is a comprehensive information source for incentives and policies that support renewable energy and energy efficiency in the United States. It is an excellent resource to learn more about your state’s energy policies and discovering how they compare to other states’.